Guide Talks to Maths Teacher & Dean, Mrs Judd

Guide has been a student at Kerikeri High School since 2017, he started in Year 8.  Mrs Judd has been Guide’s Dean since he first started.  He is also one of our 2020 student ambassadors.


Guide Prawatlerdwattana interviewed Mrs Sue Judd.  Mrs Judd teaches Maths and is the Year 11 Dean at Kerikeri High School.

1. Why did you choose to become a teacher?

I love learning and I wanted to share this with others

2. Why did you choose to teach Maths?

I’m not sure if I chose Maths or Maths chose me!  I was originally a Primary School teacher and I wanted to move up to teaching teenagers at High School and there was an opening at Kerikeri High School for a Maths teacher. 

3. What do you love the most about Maths?

It is very definite, there is no grey areas, it is black and white. I compare it to solving a puzzle.

4. What is the most challenging thing about teaching?

I hope to change peoples’ minds from “I don’t like Maths to I understand Maths and now I enjoy it”

5. What made you choose Kerikeri High School to teach at?

I was living in Kerikeri, so it was my “local school”.  My two boys went to Kerikeri High School and loved it.  I have a strong connection to the school. 

A Dean is a teacher who oversees their year level of students; they support their cohort of students with pastoral care and general wellbeing and assists the form class teachers of their students.  Mrs Judd is currently the Year 11 Dean, having supported her cohort of students since Year 8 and will be with them right through to their graduation at the end of Year 13.